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Soulver 3 for iPhone. Soulver is the coolest, smartest calculator you’ve ever seen, and at long (like, weirdly long) last, the latest version is on the iPhone. $14 is a lot for an app like this, but ...

For these folks—and if you're reading this, you're probably one of them—open tabs serve as a combination of a read-later service, bookmarks, and an RSS reader ... Apple makes it really easy to save ...

We’ve all been there before. You unbox your shiny new PC, everything preinstalled, and you’re so excited you’re practically molting in your chair in anticipation for it to boot up. You’re so engrossed ...

So you can download apps, including mobile games, news aggregators for RSS feeds ... despite the lack of colors, it was easy to play on the Palma. The device did get a little warm, but no more than ...

Moreover, each game on this list offers unique worlds and experiences that are not only entertaining but also potentially rewarding. Here's a detailed yet simple overview of each game: ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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